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Post by Raven Sang »

Not really a new immigrant.  Joined a couple of years ago before the forum change.

Now back.  The little sister of Dawn Sang. I am the more open-minded hippy of the brood.  I don't like the taste of human blood, and will satiate my need otherwise, unless of course you screw with me or mine. :)    I intend to bring my little group in with me, either as Sangs or whatever name they choose. I give them there own free will. lol. 
We will be residing in Castus.  Will continue my time in the IS, working on where and what that is.  Not asking for anything special. Hope to see you all around and will be good meeting you all and having fun.  Love ya!!!
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Mar 07, 2022 8:23 pm

Re: Heyas

Post by Ichida Nakamura »

Hey Raven,

Welcome back
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Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:24 am

Re: Heyas

Post by Zaviera Hope »

Welcome back Raven.  
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Re: Heyas

Post by Amari Aeon »

Hello and welcome back Raven
HIH Amari Aeon, KoI, KGS, KoG, KBGL
High Regent of Acacia
Grand Duchess of Santeel
High Lady of the House of Santeel
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Re: Heyas

Post by Bandar Sass »

Hello Raven!!!
Posts: 14
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Re: Heyas

Post by Seldania Draken »

Hey Raven!!!
Seldania Draken, Esq
Draken Advocacy Partnership (certification pending)

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Re: Heyas

Post by Amiko Nakamura »

Heya Raven.  

Welcome back.  I am not as active as once was, but I am here.  Looking forward to seeing what you plan to do.
Rear Admiral
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Re: Heyas

Post by Allister Nexys »

Welcome to purgatory, the little hippy...hehe...peace and love. I think the new office will be hotboxed at times. 
deadname: Allistar Nexys
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Re: Heyas

Post by Rasim Aeon »

Welcome back Raven.  Had to confirm, you were who I thought.  Glad to have you.
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